Student Code of Conduct

Spark Asher Academy: Academic Success and Student Support


  • Regular Login Crucial: Active participation and logging in 2-3 times per week are essential for success.
  • Monitoring and Support: We track attendance and collaborate with students and parents/guardians to address any concerns.
  • Consequences: In cases of persistent absences, possible actions include contact with parents/guardians, attendance contracts, or program removal.
  • Continuous Enrollment: There are no set start or end dates. Students are responsible for communicating their expected completion date to their teachers and adhering to it within reason.
  • Attendance Records: Attendance is based on completed lessons. For a 10-lesson course, completing 8 lessons reflects 80% attendance for the 110-hour credit course. This is adjusted for mid-term reports.
  • Course Completion Time: Students who don’t finish a course within 6 months will be removed unless there are documented extenuating circumstances.

Academic Integrity

  • Honesty and Independence: We value independent thinking and originality. Students are expected to respect intellectual property rights and complete their work honestly.
  • Plagiarism Defined: Copying ideas, quotes, or work from others without proper credit is considered plagiarism. Submitting work done by someone else as your own is also prohibited.
  • Cheating Defined: Buying or selling assignments/test questions, submitting the same work in multiple courses without permission, allowing others to copy your work, or giving/receiving unauthorized assistance during exams/tests are all forms of cheating.
  • Consequences of Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty is unacceptable. Cheating or plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment. Additional consequences will be determined on a case-by-case basis, considering factors like grade level, student maturity, frequency of incidents, and individual circumstances. These consequences may include a range of behavioral and academic responses.

Proper Computer Use

  • Educational Use Only: Spark Asher Academy’s Learning Management System (LMS) is for educational purposes only. Using the LMS for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, criminal, obscene, commercial, or illegal activities.
  • Monitoring and Consequences: The administration has the right to review student work to ensure appropriate computer use. Inappropriate use may result in consequences up to and including suspension or program removal. In severe cases, further action such as contacting day schools, legal representation, or the police may be taken.
  • Preventing Inappropriate Use: To avoid suspicion of inappropriate use, students are advised to:
  • Protect their passwords and avoid sharing them.
  • Report suspicious messages or incidents to their teachers.
  • Only access content intended for student use.

Privacy and Content Ownership

We will provide a separate document outlining details on Privacy and Content Ownership.

Safe Learning Environment

Spark Asher Academy strives to create a safe and supportive learning environment where everyone feels respected. All members of our community (students, staff, and parents) are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect.

Consequences of Disrespect: Actions that jeopardize the moral tone of the learning community, such as disrespectful, distasteful, abusive, or harassing comments towards any member of our community, will not be tolerated and will be dealt with swiftly by the Principal. Possible consequences include counseling, parental involvement, suspension, expulsion, and/or involvement of the authorities.
